Tubes for ARC VT100


I am looking to replace the power tubes in my ARC VT 100. I had previously purchased from Upscale but they would not supply ARC owners anymore.

As I am from singapore, there is no company that sells with that kind of testing that Upscale does. I did buy from a shop in Singapore once and had to throw it all away as the tubes were all faulty.

So if anyone that has ARC gear can recommend tubes and where to buy, it would be appreciated
Kevin Deal pulled the same crap on me 6 months ago. I called Music Reference in Santa Barbara and told him the story. I brought him my amp and he ran the tubes for half a day to make sure they were ok. He even cleaned and biased the amp for free. Give Roger a called he's a great guy.
I cannot understand how a company can ban selling tubes for a certain brand. If he has an issue with ARC, then he should take it up with them. But why on customers. This is absurd.

I don't know why he is not selling to ARC customers and I did not bother to ask
Sad to hear that! The VT-100 can be hard on it's output tubes, somewhat convoluted to bias and requires matched quads. Perhaps Kevin weighed a possibly high failure rate's impact on his product's reputation against the ire of the ARC owners, and opted for the ire. I'm guessing, but- It's his business, his throat and his prerogative. Hopefully, you won't have any trouble finding reliable tubes through the vendors suggested in here and will be back to enjoying your music soon.
Second Jim McShane for the matching and burn in testing you are looking for.
