Has anyone heard the Herron VTSP-3 linestage?

Has anyone compared this linestage with McIntosh, ARC Ref 3, Cary SL-05, etc.
linestages? I don't think there's ever been one up for sale on Audiogon, and
aside from a couple of very positive mag reviews, nobody seems to talk about it.
Thanks, Sflazor. Any attempt to tube roll? I prefer a full-
bodied mid-bass through lower mids....I'm wondering about the
use of vintage Mullards or Amperexes.
Amperexs were a good choice in my older Herron pre. Probably worth a try. Cheers,

I have not tried any tube rolling with the VTSP-3. Dave Herron recommends against it. I have been so pleased with the sound produced by the stock tubes that I have not been tempted to try NOS tubes. The bass is terrific with the stock tubes. My Proacs deliver such terrific bass with this pre that one would think I have hooked up a sub- woofer. When Dave Herron modified the VTSP-2 and came up with the VTSP-3, one of the major changes was added warmth in the lower mids. The VTPS-3 does not have exagerated warmth in the sense of the older Conrad Johnson pre-amps, however. Instead, it has a very pleasing warmth that makes the pre-amp sound very human. The VTSP-3 is voiced so realistically that when I am in another room, I often think my wife is talking to a guest in the next room only to find that what I was hearing was the Herron. This preamp's midrange is eerily life-like.