Need preamp recommendation

Well, the quest for the tube rolling didn't go anywhere after a quick phone call to a tube vendor who advised me that low noise tubes won't lower the background noise of the preamp. Unfortunately I need to replace my VTL TL-5.5 to something else with lower noise floor.

The new preamp must have very low noise. My amps have about 25dB of gain, and my speakers are 93dB sensitive. It can reveal small amount of idle noise too well, which was undetectable with the same speakers but with power amp of 15dB of gain. Also the new preamp must have low / no gain, or adjustable gain. My VTL has additional 20dB of gain, and it's just too loud.

Some of the preamps that piqued my interests are Aesthetix Calypso, Placette, and Sonic Euphoria. I've read some earlier models of Calypso suffered from noise issue. I'd like to hear from the owners with sensitive speakers and high gain amps if there is any noise issue.

I'd love to try the new TL-5.5 which was long announced, but I don't think it's shipping yet. Anyone from VTL reading this board?

Any other low noise preamp that I should consider? I'd like the tubes, but as tube gears have inherently higher noise floor I'll also consider solid states and passive designs. The budget is flexible, but I'd like to keep it under $3k. The new preamp will be driving Pass XA-30.5.
My ear pressed against the tweeter was in the previous setup, while trying to compare two amps after I noticed excessive noise with the current setup. I don't normally go around and put my ear on the tweeters. :)
Be mindful of the output impedance of any tube preamp you might consider. It needs to be relatively low (I'd suggest under 200 ohms) to produce deep, articulate bass from the XA-30.5.

I used a Lamm LL2 Deluxe with good results (and it's in your price range). Also, a Juicy Music Peach worked quite well.
I have the LL2 Deluxe recommended by Tvad, and it is a great sounding preamp, and quiet too for a fully tubed design - but it is not "dead quiet." Neither was the BAT VK51SE I owned, or any other tubed preamp I have owned (CAT, Asthetix, SF, Joule). My recommendation for a very, very quiet preamp that displays some of the dimensional qualities of tubes would be to try the Tom Evans Vibe with Pulse power supply(the Pulse is a must). It is sort of a hair shirt design with only an input selector, volume control and all single-ended, but it presents a natural and very enjoyable sound that I could live with (some call it a little "dark" sounding).
I wouldnt mind recommending my current fave preamp, the Red Wine Audio Isabella. In your price range, quiet as the proverbial church mouse- in fact quieter what with the battery power and all- and small/reliable/simple. Can come with a head amp and DAC if you like as well.
Incidentally, the Shindo pieces I have heard do tend to be pretty quiet though Shindo seems to work best with... Shindo. Not that they are not great on their own- but there is definitely a nice synergy thing with their gear.
BTW-- I think I missed the part where you said how the Unidisc performs as a preamp. Isnt that thing pretty silent? How does it sound, anyway?
I agree with Mitch2 regarding the degree of silence from the Lamm LL2 Deluxe preamp. I have owned two LL2 Deluxe preamps in two completely different systems, and both preamps had some hiss, but they overall sound they created was excellent.

That's why I originally stated that each of us has a certain level of noise we consider normal (or tolerable), and the threshold varies considerably from person to person.

The OP strikes me as one who willl not tolerate much preamp hiss.