How would you compare Ayre to Parasound?

Hi Y'all,
How would you compare the parasound halo 2ch to the Ayre 2ch amp and could you also let me know how you would compare the Ayre multi channel amp to the Halo A52 amp? I am looking for your opinion on sound, build, how the company's deal with any issues, and anything else you want to toss in too. I hope to be using Vandersteen 3a signature speakers. Currently I am using von schweikert vr-1's and the lcr 15 for the front and mb quarts in the rear. Thanks.

Joe in Mobile
My experience was exactly opposite! I had the Parasound with 4 different speakers I was auditioning, and in all cases I felt like it was dull and unengaging. The Ayre is the finest non-tube SS amp I've had in my system, beyond the Odyssey Stratos dual mono and the Ref1000's - though I admit I haven't had any of the real expensive SS amps. To each his own I guess!
I've had the Parasound JC-1s and Ayre V-1XE amps in the same system. Both nice, but IMO, the Ayre was a better amp, and one of my favorite SS amps. Smoother and more texured. The Parasound was a little dry. I had multiple problems with the parasounds. I bought them new and both the dealer and parasound made good on each repair. I also had a wire come loose in the Ayre (which i also bought new) and they were quick to repair it. IMO the Ayre was a little more money, but worth it.
I've had a V-5xe in my system for about 5 years now and I too think the magic is missing (particularly in the lower region) however I'm reserving judgement until I can run in balanced mode. I've read in a few threads here that the Ayre should really be run in balanced mode to get the most out of it.
Before buying any Parasound product especially the JC1 amps read all the reviews about build issues ..Well documented in this forum.Given your short list..Ayre is a no brainer
Yes indeed missioncoonery...All Ayre equipment should be run balanced to hear what it is capable of. The single ended connection is only there for convenience. I also recommend you using balanced operation with phono into their preamp. Ayre amps are at the highest level of performance. Their service is impeccable should you need it. I have only used them for upgrades and Ayre stuff is bulletproof. If you are going to use Vandersteens, you should know that the vast majority of Vandersteen users have their speakers connected to Ayre amps.