Mcintosh c2300 preamp tube question

Anybody has tried different tubes for this preamp?
What are your experiences?

Any other changes that can be done with the preamp?
I tried the Teles as mentioned above and found them just ok nothing special IMO, you would figure with all the hype and high prices the Teles bring that they would be the go to tube......I also used early RCA black plates and prefered them over the Teles. I decided to give some newer production stuff a try and ended up with re-issue Tung-Sol for the preamp section and re-issue Mullards for both phono sections and so far this combo is my favorite. Something I noticed with the C2300 is that tube rolling doesn't drastically change the sonics of this preamp it's more subtle compared to other tube preamps. Sort of nice not having to spend $$$ on over priced NOS tubes to get the best from the C2300 IMO.
Anybody else tried different pairing for the preamp section and phono sections?
Tele's work the best in my system and I have owned and still own 10 other brands. I keep going back to the Tele's. They just do it all right with this preamp.

This preamp really shows the character of each tube. Then of course your speakers, room and other things like cable will make a big impact also.
I have a pair of vintage RCAs on the way...12ax7a. I am using JAN Phillips Black Sable 5751s now after a week with Tung Sol 12ax7a tubes. I like the Tungs better.

Cant wait for the vintage (early 1960's) RCAs to arrive!

All of the above improved sound greatly over stock Mac 12ax7a.

BTW: the amps are 501s.
I have vintage RCA 12ax7a replacements on the way. i am currently trying JAN Phillips 5751 tubes now.