Krell primer?

I was hoping some folks could give me a primer on Krell amps. I’m in perpetual upgrade planning mode and have seen a number of Krell amps coming through A-Gon. I thought I’d ask for opinions. It seems that the FPB and KSA lines, which I gather are at least ten years old, are relatively reasonable in price and seem well respected. Can anyone comment on their sound? How much heat do they throw? Are there any ongoing maintenance issues with the older amps? I understand Krell still services their older gear, much the way McIntosh does.

Any comments would be useful. Thanks!
I have a pair of KMA 400,s contacted Krell service. they quoted $1000 U.S for service.My problem is I,m in Australia and the freight scares me. Does anyone know of a trustworthy Australian tech that does old Krells up.
I own a Fpb600 that has served me very well, not a single problem for almost ten years. Before that I had KAV series amps, but they were nowhere near the 600. Subjectively I even wonder if it sounds better over time (but this may be due to various accumulated tweaks). I especially like the layered deep soundscape with several things going on at the same time. A separate mains line is very much worth it. Also, the Aesthetix Io with volume, direct (balanced) to the Krell, is a great match, much better than with the KAV preamp I had.
I use the following Krell amps with great success: 2 pair of KSA 250 & 1 pair of MDA 300s. They sound great with Signal Cable Silver Resolutions interconnects, Ultra Speaker cables & power cords. I like the KSA series better than the FPB series. I do like the EVO series. You can always count on the KSAs to bring you themusic. Now I'm using thr ARC REF 3 preamp, Legacy Helix speakers, and the PS Audio Perfect Wave DAC and transport along with the Power Plant Premeir. They do heat up the house a bit. Even if you have to rebuild the amps the KSAs are a great buy as you would have to spend lots of $$$$s to get better sound . As for the sound, very liquid, nuetral, and of course solid. I don"t think you"d regret the puchase.
Hello All. Is the KSA-250 fully balanced from input through output?

Many Thanks!
I have been using a Krell FPB 300cx in my Main System since early 2003 and have never found a reason to "upgrade," if that is even the proper word. The amp has never even had a hiccup, much less given me a problem; sounds excellent on all types of music; and is very powerful, provides deep, taut bass, is full-bodied and sweet musically; Plays well with diverse pre's and cables. The speaker terminals are the best in the biz -- big wing nuts easy to use and providing tight connections.

Does run a bit on warm side so you need to give it room on top. Only other downsides are that it,(i) provides only balanced inputs, so I have has to use adapters because my Wyetech Opal pre has only RCA outputs (Cardas and BAT make excellent ones) and (ii)has a captive PC so you cannot experiment, of course with no assurance you would do any better. I run it through an Audience AR6 conditioner and it sounds grand.

As they say in the infomercial: Set it and forget it!
