Audible illusions Modulus 3A or Klyne 6L

I've come down to these two pre's. Which preamp is best synergy for my system.

Eikos Precision CDP
Whest Audio 30 RDT phono
Bel Canto EVO 2 mono's
Talon Raven Speakers
The Klyne can be matched to every amp based on its Gain Potis.
And it is reliable/good sounding.
you just missed the CAT preamp to name three of the mose regarded, sensible choices of preamps - I am sure any of them will match with your described setup with no issues.
The Audible Illusions Modulus L1 (this is the one I own) is identical to the line stage sonics of the Modulus 3A, minus the fact the Modulus L1 does not have a phono section. It was mentioned above that Audible Illusions preamps eat tubes. I think this is because the tubes are constantly on even when the preamp power switch is turned off. This no doubt contributes to excellent sonics from the get-go.

I like my Audible Illusions pre a great deal and I'm just now getting around to tube swapping. I read that Audio Research makes tube rings for the 6922 tubes. Stereophile mentioned the use of these rings do not produce suttle improvements but major differences in most all areas of the Audible Illusions preamp.

Elevick the newer AI units use two gain controls (one per channel) and one master volume. This is very handy when it comes to setting the proper gain for your particular amp. Once set you only need to adjust the one volume control from there on.
Audible Illusions have their own recommendations regarding tube selection.

Curiously, they only recommend russian tubes with a certain reserve for everything else stating that the owner must look for rugged tubes.

Some research on the net will provide a lot of info, including remarks on tube eating characteristics of the AI in official reviews in well known magazines (Soundstage) pertaining to the tube eating problem starting from the higher gain and now the on/off and constant voltage.
Just got off the phone to Audible Illusions and it turns out that the tube filaments are always lit because it actually lengthens the life of the tubes avoiding intial voltage rush. Yes they are recommending a specific Sovetek tube and they sell for $110.00 per pair. I intend on purchasing them myself.