Berkeley Alpha DAC vs Theta Gen VIII and stuff...

More ramblings of a madman...

So my search for the preamp has lead me here. Thanks to all who posted in my thread about the Spectral pre but i think i have narrowed it down to an odd pair, the 2 Dacs in the title. This arose from a long phone conversation yesterday with the guy who sort of mentored me in this whole audio mess. I had bounced the idea of the Spectral DMC 30SL i was ready to buy off of him and we had gone round and round about the options. A friend of his has some similar gear, WP's and the like, and had had that Spectral as well as the 30SS + the Spectral CD/DAC. He had also been searching for the right fit and came across the Berkeley Alpha Dac. His comments are strong but they mirror what Robert Harley stated in his TAS article, the BAD is better than the Spectral System...the DAC and the Pre...he has replaced all that Spectral gear with the BAD run directly to his amp. WOW! I am in. But...I must complicate this...If i am going to go the DAC/Pre combo route I might as well include the one I personally have always lusted after...the Theta Generation VIII. now I have narrowed this down to the final 2, this is great progress. Help me drive this home fella's...

Has anyone compared these 2 fine devices? Anyone have experience with both that may help me close the door? It is not realistic to get them both here to do a listen, that is out. Gotta go on my gut and some input from the forum.

I suppose my first thought is the newer BAD is a better option given the progress in digital these days as well as the higher rez but the Theta is a classic sweet DAC which has been among the finest available for some time. It is also Theta, A company that seems to be a shell of itself since ATI got involved. Hmmmmm.

Whichever i chose will still be a challenge as neither has a solution for ht pass through. I will need to find some sort of switch at the amp or just change cables when I watch TV/Movies.

So this is where I stand. Input on these 2 devices, experience or comparison, greatly appreciated...

Rest of the system (for now!):

Krell FPB 600c
Wilson WP 7's
Logitech Transporter (will be the only source acting as tranport only)
MIT MH850 speaker cables
MIT MI350 CVT Proline Reference interconnects
MIT Oracle AC1 power cords
MIT ZStabalizerIII HG conditioner/filter/surge

HT stuff to pass through some how...

My home theater will pass through.
Thanks for the info Worldcat. Was the GenVIII series2 more or less agressive sounding than the series1? Also, how many steps are there in the BADA volume control (or more to the point, are the steps fine enough that you don't have to choose between a little too soft and a little too loud?)
I have very reveling speakers so i could listen at a decent level without being to loud. But you can turn it way way up with the BADA and it sounds very good. To loud to be listening too. I really cannot remember the difference in the S! and S2 as far as being more aggressive i only noticed it with the BADA comparison. There are lots of steps with the bada volume control as it does .1 at a time increments.
I have owned the Theta Gen VIII series I since 2005 and recently in 2009 upgraded to the Gen series 2. I can tell you that both sound stage and bass reproduction are much improved in the series II. I am very happy with the upgrade and at this point dont have a desire to change.
Anyone looking for either of these dacs you should try the PS Audio Perfect wave tran and DAC combo. I was really impressed and ordered both.
I second the motion Worldcat. This combo is hard to beat! It makes me want to come home and listen every night.