40-50w tube amp for Aerial 9

I heard the new Dehavilland 50a at RMAF and just loved it. Dehavilland says it is nominally 40w, but practically closer to 50. I have concerns that it will not have enough power for my Aerial 9s (which I also love). They are 90db sensitive (pretty good) and have an impedance of 4 nominally, 3.2 minimum, low resistance (while I know the impedance is a factor, I am not sure how to apply it in this context).

Anyway, has anyone powered their 9s with this amp or a similar relatively low power tube amp? Anyone have any other thoughts on compatibility.

Thanks much.
Based on what I heard at RMAF with the 50A driving the Wilson Benesch Curve loudspeakers (88dB, 6 ohm nominal, 4 ohm minimum), I would think using the 4 ohm outputs on the 50A would work with your 90dB, 4 ohm nominal loudspeakers.

However, I wouldn't buy the amp without being able to hear it with your speakers. It's too expensive a proposition to take a flyer, IMO.
Thanks Tvad, you always understand the compatability issues that I do not. And, yes, I will definitely demo in my system. There is a dealer nearby. I just wanted to determine whether it was a waste of time before the demo.

BTW, what did you think of the 50a? Anything with a similar sound that you think I should also check out?
I thought the sound in the room was very good. Non-fatiguing, yet detailed, extended and balanced.

Never having heard the components or speakers before, it's impossible for me to comment separately on the electronics and speakers.
I have a basic understanding of how to impedance match a pre and power amp. I do not really understand how impedance works with speakers. Doesn't the power increase with higher impedance? (i.e. amps are often speced as x watts in 4ohms, 2x watts in 8ohms). If that is right, wouldn't the 6ohm impedance for the Wilson-B be a better match for the DH than my 4ohm Aerials. If you wouldn't mind, I would love a brief explanation. Thanks a lot.
Higher impedance (and a flat impedance curve) is better for tube amps, so, yes
the W-B speakers are a better match than the Aerials, IMO.

The question is whether Aerial designs their speakers with the Voltage Paradigm
or with the Power Paradigm. I don't know the answer to that question, but I
suspect it's the Voltage Paradigm.

This link explains the Voltage/Power Paradigms.