Amplifier input tech question

In my current system the volume control can only be turned
up to the 9 o'clock position or so, until the music is too
loud. The components are as follows;

cd- Rotel RCD-990 (transport only)
PS Audio DLIII with Cullen stage 4 mods

pre- Parasound JC 2

amp- Aragon 8008st

spks- KEF reference model 3

I am just starting to do my research for upgrading the
amplifier. And, would like to make certain that I select
an amp or amps that are less sensitive than the Aragon.
I have read about the minimum 10 times impedance difference
between pre-out and amp-in. But there must be more to it,
as the JC 2 output imp is stated as < 60 ohms and the
Aragon is listed as 22k ohms. My guess is that there is also a relationship between the preamp output voltage
and the amout of voltage the amp needs for full output.
Is there a formula I can use for finding a good match?
Post removed 
That makes perfect sense. Thank you so much for your
informative and exactly on point reply!
I have read many of your responses to other posts over the past several months, and I must say I feel somewhat honored that you replied to mine. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom, it is much appreciated!

What is the taper of the vol pot?
The 2 most common (are there more?) is Linear and Logarithmic.

Just sounds like your vol is coming on too fast.
As Bob very correctly indicated, the 8 volt maximum output of the preamp is irrelevant. A preamp with a significantly smaller maximum output specification would not help the problem you are trying to address (everything else being equal), and if that number were much lower than 8 volts a new problem might even result, clipping of its output stage on high volume peaks.

What is relevant is the preamp's gain, which as Dave indicated is a factor of 5 (200mv in producing 1v out), which is a gain of 14db. That is certainly NOT particularly high.

Also as Bob correctly indicated, the power amp input sensitivity of 1.68 volts is a fairly typical number, and most power amps with similar output power ratings (200W in this case) will therefore have similar voltage gains.

Your speakers appear to have a sensitivity rating of 91db, which is higher than average but just slightly.

Therefore to the extent that it is meaningful to identify a "culprit," Bob's suspicion is probably correct. The DAC is probably putting out an excessively high voltage.

But whether it is or not, as I indicated in my previous post a simple solution is to insert in-line attenuators.

-- Al