Amplifier input tech question

In my current system the volume control can only be turned
up to the 9 o'clock position or so, until the music is too
loud. The components are as follows;

cd- Rotel RCD-990 (transport only)
PS Audio DLIII with Cullen stage 4 mods

pre- Parasound JC 2

amp- Aragon 8008st

spks- KEF reference model 3

I am just starting to do my research for upgrading the
amplifier. And, would like to make certain that I select
an amp or amps that are less sensitive than the Aragon.
I have read about the minimum 10 times impedance difference
between pre-out and amp-in. But there must be more to it,
as the JC 2 output imp is stated as < 60 ohms and the
Aragon is listed as 22k ohms. My guess is that there is also a relationship between the preamp output voltage
and the amout of voltage the amp needs for full output.
Is there a formula I can use for finding a good match?
Ska_man, my previous post was written before I saw your last post, addressed to me. You're very welcome, and thanks for the compliment!

-- Al
Ska_man - not only, as Al said, you shouldn't lower your input impedance but it's even impossible because in order to get any meaningful attenuation like 10dB input impedance, in your case, would have to be about 30 ohms and preamp would distort a lot driving 90 ohm load. Buy attenuators that Dave mentioned.
I had a set of Rothwell attenuators, and one broke from the weight of the interconnect. Support your cables, or maybe try a passive volume control, like I did. You'll need another set of interconnects to connect the pvc between components..
My question has been answered and the Rothwell attenuators are in the process of being ordered. I will stop monitoring this thread at this time. But, do want to thank all who participated.

Abucktwoeighty, thanks for the tip about cable support.
I'll keep that in mind.