BAT VK-300x

I'm interested in this amp, which seems to enjoy the reputation of a top-of-the-line integrated, but I don't have a place to audition one nearby. There are a couple of reviews, but they weren't terribly in depth as far as I'm concerned and discussion on this forum seems a bit sparse and inconclusive, especially compared to talk about some of its rivals, like the McIntosh MA2275 or 6900. I'm wondering whether somebody might be willing to wax poetic on the sound of these BAT integrateds - the differences in sound between the solid-state, 6922 and SE versions? A comparison with Mcintosh solid-state and/or tubes would be helpful, for example, as I'm familiar with those. Also familiar with Ayre, Naim, Audio Research, Linn, SETs... looking for an idea of where the BAT integrateds fit in soundwise.
Thanks in advance!
Hi Coverto,

Was the 505u you heard played in enough before you heard it? I own one myself, and after 200 hours of playing it sounded superb to me. I have not heard the 509u though, but I can compare with a accuphase 408. Especially the bass control is the best I ever heard.
Pauly - my apologies for the sluggish response. The 505u I heard was a demo that I understand was well broken in, and it was indeed a great sounding amp. But there was no doubt that the 550 and the 509 were superior, with the 509 being one of the best integrateds I've heard.

Keith - from what I've read, it seems that the more recent Blue Circle integrateds are quite a few steps ahead of the NSCS, so that still leaves me wondering, but still it's great info to have - thanks.