Input Impedance of Dreadnaught II


I am using a pair of Vandersteen M5 HP crossovers (balanced)for my Quatros. I need to set them based on the Dreadnaught II amplifier�s input impedance (FOR THE SUM OF THE POSITVE AND NEGATIVE LEGS). In the manual it states that it is 50K for both single ended and balanced, for each phase (both modules).

Does this mean that it is 50K for the sum of the positive and negative legs or 100K?

I am setting them up right now and dont want to mess anything up.
Assuming the wording you quoted is stated precisely, I would interpret it to mean that the number you should use is 100K.

"For each phase" would seem to mean 50K input impedance between "hot" (xlr pin 2) and ground; and 50K input impedance between "cold" (xlr pin 3) and ground. That would mean that the input impedance between pins 2 and 3 (which corresponds to the sum of the input impedances between each of the two input signal polarities and ground) is 100K.

-- Al

I have previously used a Dreadnaught II and Vandy 5A's. You should sum the 50K per leg balanced input impedance (so its 100K), and then set the balanced Vandy high pass filters on the 100K setting and you will be good to go.
Thanks guys. I did set it at 100K. is wicked sounding! I dont know whether the HUGE difference is the Quatros over the 3A/2WQ combo or the Dreadnaught II over the Bryston, but we arent talking about a moderate difference here! Babybear, what did you think of the combo and why did you change?

