Two tube amps for your consideration please

I am looking at two tube amps for purchase that will be for music only. Pre-pro will be a Denon 988 AVR with a Sony CD 200 CD changer in then pre out to tube amp. I have dedicated 1 of the channels on the AVR for this.
Speakers are B&W 805s.
For consideration is:
Jolida 502a 350.00
Yaqin VK-2100 300.00
Your thoughts are appreciated.
Signal path will be the CD via optical to the AVR (to take advantage of the superior Burr Brown DACs in the AVR) then pre-out to the tube amp then to the speakers.
This can't be real. MacdadTexas has just offended OldTexasDog???
You guys just made my day! I only wish we had a thread-of-the-month, or something like that. This would be a definite contender!
OTD, the Jolida product is generally an overachiever.
Would a Jolida 302B be a better choice? I know a fool and their money soon part and I am on a limited budget as I am retired, but I do like my music! 800.00 max, and that much would hurt!:) Your right Macdadtexas we will all be nothing but carbon and silicate ripe for the manufacturing of Chinese tubes one day and all of this will be somebody elses problem to figure out or sell.
Your are very rude to people that were just trying to help! I doubt you will get much help from the Audiogone community because of that.
Oldtexasdog, I would go for the Jolida. You will be happy, trust me on this. Not only do they have good support, but they have very worthy products from a price vs. performance stance...and quality/looks perspective.
No rudness intended. I realy do appreciate quality advice such as Vandermeulen and others. I always try to look at someones question with an understanding that the equipment in review usually represents their budget.As for most there is always something out there thats more expensive and better quality but alas not withen all of our reach. When I auditioned speakers for 6 months I learned quickly to only listen to those in my budget, as the others just spoiled my ears and left me depressed with what I could afford.:)
Once again no offence or rudness intended to anyone.