Two tube amps for your consideration please

I am looking at two tube amps for purchase that will be for music only. Pre-pro will be a Denon 988 AVR with a Sony CD 200 CD changer in then pre out to tube amp. I have dedicated 1 of the channels on the AVR for this.
Speakers are B&W 805s.
For consideration is:
Jolida 502a 350.00
Yaqin VK-2100 300.00
Your thoughts are appreciated.
Signal path will be the CD via optical to the AVR (to take advantage of the superior Burr Brown DACs in the AVR) then pre-out to the tube amp then to the speakers.
take a look at Glow Audio offerings as well though I think they are slightly higher in price

Old... dog

Can you see well enough to solder? There are kits that have a big folowing which could elevate your means.

Just exposing alternatives here as I suspect adding an amp under $400 isn't a big step up for your system as it satnds... but a DIY one for that amount or not much more might well be as their is a good amount of the preice in amps devoted to the labor aspect...

I saw some recently and felt for the $$$ they were a great idea to those who want to make their own, or simply are fixed by their means.

Then too is the thought of moving up later on and then waht to do with the inexpensive amp bought now? recouing it's cost could be problematic.

Again just thinking aloud.

Thanks Jrinkerptdnet
I will check them out.
Thanks Blindjim
Do you happen to know of a good source for the kits you speak of? Good advice on the amps. I just got my new specs and they work real good:)Bifocal and all!