Ideas for separates around $1500???

Hi all,

Sorry for the slightly confused post...

Trying to get a new amp for our living room and our current piece is just not working out ( Exposure 2010S -- too much RFI around our house -- just listed it here on Audiogon).

If I go integrated, we am interested in trying the Naim Nait 5i, but after reading this months TAS, I am intrigued by their match-up of the Odyssey Khartago and the Vincent SA-31. Combined, these are around the same price as the Nait, and will give me a touch of tubes, which I like, without the heat of the a full tube amplifier (infants and lots of exposed tubes didn't agree with each other)

What does the collective think? Any other ideas?
Man, nobody thought of that, should have been the first thing -- the cables. Prob because you thought it was the equipment, which led everyone down that path. I believe DNM are unshielded? If so, it explains it.

At any rate, living under the electrical you do and with your recent revelation you're going to need some decent shielding! At least you found the culprit.
See,you saved yourself a lot of unneccesary spending.I would say that's a good thing.

Forgive me -- "fully balanced and/or with low input senstivity" is somewhat greek to me. What does that mean? What kind of equipment should I be considering?