What is the best Integrated amp w/phono for $3000

Is Bryston B100 SST 17 the best Integrated amp for $3000 or less?
I like a sound that isn't warm rather on the neutral side.
How does Marantz sound (PM-KI pearl).
Tpreaves is right. More info is needed especially the speakers the amp is going to drive as well as how flexible you want the phono to be. Having said that, let me point you towards the Simaudio products for a very resolving neutral sound. Specifically, the i3.3 is a modular integrated amp: the base model comes with the line-level preamp and the power amp section rated at 100wpc into 8ohm, doubling that into 4 ohms (so should drive a wide range of speakers). But you can also add an on-board DAC as well as MM/MC phono modules. Here is a link: http://www.simaudio.com/mooni33.htm
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Fishing716...actually it has 4 single ended and one balanced set of inputs for a total of five line level inputs. But as Tpreaves said, if you have specific requirements, you should state them, along with speakers that the integrated will be driving and any specific requirements from the phono stage (as phonos in integrated units tend to be less flexible than stand-alone units). Good luck.