The mighty CAT preamp

I am wandering if anyone else has heard the new CAT Renaissance that IMHO gets deservedly great reviews in the Nov '09 Stereophile review by Robert Deutsch.

My own CAT Sig with rolled in NOS tubes is IMHO still here to stay. Which makes me wander, has anyone gone and replaced a CAT with something else ( either tube or ss) that they believe is a BIG step up? If so, what preamp is it and what are the other pieces in your system?
That's very interesting Spectron. I personally have not had to re-tube that often, in fact I have had my current tube set about two years and all still seems fine. I do agree that at certain gain levels the CAT is not dead quiet, some slight tube hiss is audible when nothing is playing. OTOH, I was amazed at the improvement that was had when I changed from the 'stock' tubes to the current NOS GE Smooth plates.
What other components are you using with the Joule and are they the same as when you had the CAT?
"What other components are you using with the Joule and are they the same as when you had the CAT? "

With CAT I used Equilibre, tube amp from Audio Matiere (now, I believe its Audio Aero) and I also used the Spectron Musician III (standard) stereo amplifier. I owned different CATs for about 15 years, indeed mighty cat and difficult to think that can be any better....

With Joule-Electra I use only Spectron amplifiers - monoblocks with all upgardes.

Best Regards