Amp for Dynaudios

I'm currently in the process of building a 2channel system and I'm just starting to look at speakers. I'm currently thinking of picking up a pair of Dynaudio contour s1.4 since the dealer is close to where I live and has excellent service, and of course I enjoyed listening to the speakers I just don't know what some of the other brands would sound like.

My music library consists of quite a bit of rock and metal, but there's also plenty of jazz and blues so I'm looking for an amp that's good with different genres. The dealer carries simaudio, Cary and vtl so I wanted to get some ideas from you guys on what I should be focusing on regarding amps and preamps.

I've only listened to sim integrated and I wasn't a huge fan, it just sounded a bit too sterile for my tastes. My other option is a Cary SLI 80 but I haven't listened to it. I'm also considering the BAT integrated but that dealt is quite far. These are all options around $3000, but today I just noticed the Moscode 401Au and although it a lot more expensive i'd consider it if I knew that the difference is worth and would suit my needs. At the same time I'll need some preamp recommendations to go with it.

Any other ideas are always welcome since there's a lot out there that I wouldn't know abou.
I have trouble driving my Audience 42 speakers with a 100 watt Creek Destiny integrated. I'm in a bedroom as well so it's not like I'm trying to fill a huge space with a small speaker either. Dyns are known to be a tough load so I wouldn't be looking at any amps that are lower powered. I've never tried tubes and don't care much for them just because I don't like having to power things down every time I listen. That BAT integrated you mention might be a good idea. Or maybe even one of the high powered Musical Fidelity integrateds might be worth looking into?
My vk-75 drove my Dynaudio 3.0's with what seemed to be very little effort.

Thanks a lot for the responses. I'll have to look into some of the suggestions, but at least it looks like a decently powered tube amp should be able to drive them. I'm not sure how it works in the audiophile world, since I'm just starting to get into it, but I've been playing guitar for a few years and the 2 amps that I have are both tube based (KT-88 and 6L6). I've tried solid state in the past and they just don't compare to the tube amps, so this is one of the reasons why I'd like to pick up a tube amp. Also, I'm used to letting my amps warm up so that won't be an issue with me.
If you are just getting into the audiophile world you are probably eventually going to find out that solid state sounds pretty great too. Tubes have their own charm too.
Hi, I am using with Pass Labs XA.5 and it's really nice match Dynaudio Moniters.