Which 6sn7 tubes for Rogue Magnum 99

I currently have four EH 6SN7 tubes in the linestage. What tubes are good for this preamp? I thought that only 2 of the 4 tubes really make a difference, but not sure on which ones, front 2 or rear 2. Not looking to spend a fortune on tube rolling.
The NOS Sylvania GTA and GTB tubes that I had in my system were indeed smooth and detailed as Samzx12 described and are absolutely a great tube. I think the sibilance part is going to be system (and preference) dependent. In my system, it was too much for me, but as I mentioned above, another guy in the shop loved them as they transmitted more air and detail through his system than ever before.
Here's a list of what are considered the best of the 6SN7 family, and what you can expect, with regards their presentation: (http://www.tubeseller.com/ratings.php)