Shindo Amplifiers and Audio Note Loudspeakers?

I read recently that Art Dudley is using a Shindo Haut-Brion amplifier with Audio Note AN-E SPe HSE loudspeakers.

I am interested in reading any listening or ownership experiences with Shindo amplifiers and Audio Note loudspeakers.

Also, I am interested in other optimal non-Audio Note amplifier matches with Audio Note loudspeakers.

You have probably already done so somewhere else, but would you mind providing a brief description of your room where you are using the Es?

The room is rectangular...roughly 12 x 16, and the speakers are in corners, about 4" from the side walls and about 18" from the rear wall. Positioning has changed over the first two weeks including being closer to the rear wall, and the present positioning has been the best thus far.
Tvad, I'm guessing the speakers are on the short wall and toed in? I'm curious to hear what the final position will be for you. I have speakers that are optimized for corner placement and I look forward to your posts as to your final placement. Thanks.
01-25-10: Samac
Tvad, I'm guessing the speakers are on the short wall and toed in?
Correct. They are toed in so the axis crosses about three feet in front of the listening position. This is Audio Note's suggested set-up (crossing 2-4 feet in front of the listener).

At this moment, I don't anticipate changing the placement other than a possible small adjustment to the toe-in angle.

However, I will be auditioning AN speaker stands, and this may affect placement.