McIntosh and Brystons: Fair comparison ?

lets talk about solid state amps for the Mc and the Brystons.
Are these amps in the same league ?
How is there sonic signature different from the other ?
thanks for the insight.
A Shakti to the wallet I'd say, and a placebo effect at the most and they don't even look pretty.

An autoformer can lend a tube like sound to a solid state amp. This can and will make an amp smoother and less detailed like all but the best tube amps. After all sending a signal through hundreds of feet of wire is not going to increase detail. The sound derived is not necessarily a bad thing but a matter of preference.
Anyone considering the shatki stones should take a look at my Audio Peas. These are bags of frozen peas (highly tweaked) that you simply set anywhere in your listening room for instance improvement in sonics. A bargain at $75 per.

One study said the Peas were nearly 2.5 as effective as shatki stones. Yes, those stones are a RIP-OFF, pure and simple. I'm sorry to be blunt.
What do the peas go for used? They must be great because I never see them used here.
I don't want to be accused of hijacking the thread. :)

(PM me and I'll make you a deal.)
eggos in room corners work just fine. its the real maple syrup that will set you back.