A home for my cans

Hi Goners,

Have spent last year researching headphones,whether they should be balanced or single ended,proper power cables and interconnects and lastly tubes vs. ss!

Phew...Can you guys and gals save me some time and point me towards a good preamp/headphone amp combo from the same source?
My headphones include Senns, Grados, Model 8's etc. and this is to be a bedroom system.
Have heard of Todd the vinyl junkie, Woo and Ray Samuels but would appreciate some guidance...

Thanks to all,

I just bought a Berning Micro Zotl which is both a tube headphone amp and a personal 1W amp. These can be modified by Berning to also be a preamp with 2 inputs and 1 output. Mine has been modified and really surprised me with it's sound.

CanJam 2009 was bundled with RMAF, but appears to be going off on its own next year. That would be a great way to learn about headphone set-ups. Also, try the HeadFi forum and Moon Audio, who advertises on Audiogon and carries a good selection of headphone gear.

Canjam was indeed what i meant to say!

Glad to hear that it will be on it's own as i've heard it's "end user" friendly...

Should mention that i have 1 headphone amp/pre/dac now...The Grace 902.

That said, it is single end only and comes off a little too sterile for me.
That prompted my questions...Tube for more musicality? Balanced for greater recovery and detail?
What would be a realistic budget as i now have several k'stied up in great headphones and do not know if re-cabling them is all that necessary.

Once again, thanks to all!

I don't think any of the DAC/headphone combo's (Grace, Benchmark, TADAC, Apogee, etc.) are going to equal the output of a top-flight headphone amp...or even the HP output on the conventional amps I mentioned (those where attention is actually paid to the HP output (not many). I can tell you for certain having heard them, Benchmark and TADAC, though adequate, are not in the same league as the amp I currently use for HP use. I've never liked Benchmark's sound, BTW, so that kind of ruins it for headphones too. TADAC (2007-2009 model) is an excellent DAC, IMHO, and has a decent headphone output too. But I don't think any of those dual-use units are meant to compete with dedicated amps. They are most certainly convenient, being a one-box solution. Have not heard the Grace and Apogee first hand, to be fair - I am speculating there. Read what others have to say, listen yourself and make your own judgment. I also owned a Micro-ZOTL for about a year - Loved it with Sony MDR3000 cans. Excellent HP amp!

How about units that play BOTH hp and lp headphones?

Same problem of trying to do too much or is it the topography of the unit that makes it possible for both to shine?

How about units that play BOTH hp and lp headphones?

Sorry, don't know what you mean..what are hp and lp headphones? Are you talking about amps with variable gain, or two jacks with different gain?