Audio Research Amp/Pre matching

It is time to once again upgrade(change) my system. Looking at building a new system around a ARC VT100 amp, question is which ARC pre amp is a good match for this amp. And I am certain that a REF 5 would sound great but I mean a older good value for the money ARC pre that is a good blend with this amp.
Thank you for your suggestions
Ditto on the REF 3 upgrades? I never heard about this. Does this mean I can send mine into ARC for an update/upgrade like the CD 7 power supply upgrade they offered a while back?

Until very recently I used a VT100 MK3 with my LS25 mk2. This is a very nice combination, the LS25 is an excellent preamp. I have owned an LS2 and my LS25 is in another league it is so much better. When I do upgrade it will be to either a Ref 3 or possibly Ref 5.

BTW the upgrade for the CD7/PH7 power supplies has to do with possible problems from the two 6H30 tubes not aging at the same rate and becoming unmatched. Audio Research did not charge anything for the power supply upgrade for my CD7.
I checked the Audio Research Web site and they are offering a Factory Update to the SP3 pre-amp. I saw no reference to an update for the REF 3.
