Pass 's xa series is this his best so far?

Everything pass made gets high praises, are his xa amps the best yet or different flavors from his older designs. Has anyone tried it with merlin vsm's? Is there a pass amp that matches nicely with merlins?
How does it compare to sim w-5?
Pedrillo, there are 2 Pass XA series, the original XA and the newer XA.5. . . . Which one are you referring to? G.
Pedrillo, the XA.5 was never meant to be a revolutionary departure from the original XA series. As far as I know, the primary design goal was to extend compatibility and high 'torque' for lower impedance speakers that were not as adequately driven by the original XA series. Thus, Pass broaden the market appeal/applicability of the XA series. G.