Jolida Fx10

Last week I purchased the Jolida FX10, not knowing what to expect I was skeptical that this 10wpc integrated tube amp was going to sound so superb. I paired the amp with PSB B25 speakers rated at 91bd efficiency and I wow the sound is practically magical. What a nice little amp and for the price of under $500 wow, great deal!
Any updates regarding the Jolida FX10? I'm curious about this integrated. Seems like a nice way to get into tubes without hurting the wallet.
I don't have anything to add about the amp itself beyond what I wrote earlier. I use it every day and really enjoy it, have had zero problems. The 6P14P-EV tubes and re-issue TungSol 12AX7's have become the default setup, very quiet and good sounding.

I did replace the Nuforce uDAC between the FX10 and the iMac with an Aune Mini DAC SE and that was a tremendous improvement for not much more money than the uDAC.
Thanks Sfar for the update and additional info. I need to check the specs of the speakers you are using with the FX10. I have a pair of KEF 103/3 speakers I was thinking of using with the FX10 and I don't know if it will be a good match.
Sorry, I can't advise you about a match with your KEF speakers. When I bought the FX10 I did try it in my living room both with a pair of Soliloquy SAT5 monitors and my Devore 8 floorstanders, neither of which is particularly sensitive. The FX10 sounded great with either pair in an 11 x 17 room but I didn't try to drive the speakers very hard.
I am thinking of getting one of these amps and running a pair of Polk RT55's. I have the opportunity to bring my speakers into a local shop 1st to see how they handle the amp. I do not have any tube amps as yet. I was looking at Bob Latino's Dynaco ST120 kit but it cost a lot more that the $499 the Jolida FX-10 is going for albeit not nearly as powerful. Am I going to be sorry? My musical taste vary from the Beatles to NIN and some Dubstep.