Amp for Dynaudio C1 Mcintosh 402 or Cary CAD 500?

This would be paired with a Cary SLP-05 preamp. The Dynaudio's would benefit from a JL Audio Fathom F113.

I also own some LS6's which are currently for sale. I'm betting the Mac would match well the the line arrays!
I know I'll regret this sale..

My current amps are Nuforce 9SEV2's in the upgrade queue for version 3 status. I don't think they are a good match for the C1's due to lack of any sort of defined bass. These are power hungry speakers.

Any thoughts?
McIntosh 402 is not a god match for the Cary SLP due to its input impedence of
10,000 ohms (unbalanced)
20,000 ohms (balanced)

Cary CAD 500 is however a perfect match is you can find one for sale. They are getting harder and harder to find on the Agon.
@ Ajackson1: FYI, The Cary SLP 05 has a 400 Ohm output impedance... more than low enough for the 402.

However, I do agree the 500s would be a beautiful match if you can find a pair.
As much as u may be correct. Per another post TVAD replied to, he stated the following. This measurement is also available on the stereophile site.

"It's important to consider the preamp's highest output impedance when using the ratio.

John Atkinson made the following comments in his measurements section of the Stereophile review of the SLP-05:

I got significantly higher values for the unbalanced output of 1500–1600 ohms in the midrange and treble, rising to 3400 ohms at 20Hz, with similar if slightly lower figures for the balanced output. The Cary preamp needs to be used with power amplifiers having input impedances of 10k ohms or greater if the bass is not to sound a little lean. "
I'm also interested in the Pass 250.5. My reservation there is wondering if the 250 watt Pass is enough to drive the C1's.
They review like the type of sound we enjoy. Not to analytical, great midrange and solid articulate bass.

When I'm listening to these speakers, I sometimes wonder if its a power issue, or something else up the chain. Maybe on these speakers, in my current setup, the amps need to be plugged into the wall. Maybe its my room. Maybe the Nuforces have impedence issues with the C1's.

Don't get me wrong as there is magic here, it's just that the low bass we've experienced with our last 2 sets of speakers, over the course of 15 years, is missing. Maybe I'm I expecting too much from these little guys?

Again, I do have a JL Audio Fathom F113 coming to town - someday (it's been ordered, or rather, backordered).

Are tubes totally out of the question? How about the Cary 805C's? Would there be enough current to drive the lower registers in a C1 with a 85 sensitivity rating?

Thanks for your opinions.