Amp for Dynaudio C1 Mcintosh 402 or Cary CAD 500?

This would be paired with a Cary SLP-05 preamp. The Dynaudio's would benefit from a JL Audio Fathom F113.

I also own some LS6's which are currently for sale. I'm betting the Mac would match well the the line arrays!
I know I'll regret this sale..

My current amps are Nuforce 9SEV2's in the upgrade queue for version 3 status. I don't think they are a good match for the C1's due to lack of any sort of defined bass. These are power hungry speakers.

Any thoughts?
Being a Dyn onwer and having used both the 402 and 250.5 I would go with the Pass.Great match plus more power as the 250.5 is 500 watts into that 4 ohm load..No brainer,IMO..I would also go with a F12 rather that the 13
Sounds like the Pass 250.5 would be a good solution. The F12 vs F13 debate continues as I hoped I could use a single F113 vs 2 X F112. HT might benefit a bit from the larger F113 and given the supposed excellent low end response of the C1 and with a Pass 250.5 it seems logical.

Although I rarely see much logic in have the things I've done in this crazy hobby.

Thanks for the experience factor Toeapfactor!
Will Pass XA60.5 make a cut into driving a pair of C1 in a normal bedroom? Listening distance is less then 3m.
IMO, no problem at all unless you regularly play big music at very high volume. I drove C1s for a while with the 60 wpc Ayre integrated and it worked out pretty well.
McIntosh 402 used & they hold their value for resale

JL-I recently got one. Run don't walk and purchase one. It is all you have heard and a bag of chips