Okay I Bought the Magnepan 3.6's

Okay, I actually purchased the Magnepan 3.6's; now it's amp research time! Temporarily running them with my 22 year old NAD 2200PE (don't laugh, it still works!)...and they sound decent in my 17 x 26 room. However as it has been said before, 'Scotty, I need MORE POWER!'...

After some feedback on the Parasound and big Macs, I have been leaning more towards one of the Pass Labs. (Good deals abound on used ones)... So, which way to go? These look very promising:

or even the XA60.5 (Pricey!!!)...

Thoughts and recommendations? Also, safe to run a tube preamp in front of these?
Stickman451, congratulations on your 3.6's! Take a look at my reviews of both the X-350.5 and XA-60.5's for details regarding why either amp or amps would make your Maggies sing. In the x-.5 series the most beautiful sounding amp is the 350.5, if it's in your budget the 60.5's are even better. The 350.5 is significantly better sounding then the X-150.5, not just because it offers more power/current, but truly is sonicly the sweet spot in the X-.5 series. Have fun.
Thanks! Will do. Listening at this moment; Alison Krauss and Union Station Live, a great album. Highly recommended!
Wyred4Sound SX 1000's

Bryston 7Bsst or 14Bsst

Parasound JC-1's

Cary Audio CAD 500 MB's (best, but nearly impossible to find used)

Sanders Sound Monoblocks