amp and pre for maggie 3.6

I am looking for some experienced imput . I listen to mostly non acoustic music, I do like to play it louder than quieter. can spend up to 4 k on each . I have a listening room about 20 x 24 with a sloped ceiling. I do listen to vinyl first and foremost, and would prefer something made in the last 5 -6 years . I am open to bi amping using my old A R C d 110 on the bottom and possibly something tubed on top . thanks for your feedback !
P T M I. Have gleaned similar feeling from many posts I have read here. Why not amp arrangement , possibly utilizing .the best o both the tube and S S offerings ?
My friend setup a maggie's before, they were with the Jadis Defy-7...i heard it, tested it and it has clear vocals, crisp sound, and it has quality parts that last long.
I just got my Maggies 3.6 and did not yet get the Bryston 4B-SST*2 (ordered made, on it's way)
I am using my venerable Forte' 4a amp (100 watts a side at 4 ohms) and getting plenty of music.