Quality, Affordable, Preamps?

Ok, well quality and affordable maybe a subjective. I am starting to build a new 2 channel system. I have Adcom GFA-565 Mono's modded by Musical Concepts. Pre-Amp is a GFP-565 that I am looking to the area to start. CD is a Denon 2560 that will be replaced by a Rega Apollo I believe at this point. Speakers are Infinity Modulus. Nopt with the sub or the crossover cube. They made them sound terrible. I run an older M&K MX-2000 set at about 72 hz. I may replace the Speaker with PSB Stratus Golds or Maggie 1.7 sometime down the road. But for now I am looking for a descent Tube preamp. I know nothing about tubes. I was looking toward Mcintosh or the Musical Design Sp-2b possbly the new chemealeon. And would like to look at others just not sure where to start. New or used is good. Used maybe better might fit in the budget better. So, any input would be great. At some point it will all be upgraded.
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If it has to be an inexpensive tube pre...try a Dared SL 2000; $250-300 used. It doesn't have much gain and only has 2 or 3 inputs, very good for the money.
If 1 input is ok than get a Placette. $600-700 used, it is passive & not tube but excellent.
Sorry, I'd like to stay around or below $2000.00. If I can get a decent Tube Preamp for that.
I would have to second the suggestion to buy the Rogue 99 Magnum preamp and it should be understood that this preamp is not difficult to match up to most any solid state power amp.

The Dared SL 2000 is another good recommendation but keep in mind its physical size is much smaller than the standard width but it is truly a remarkable performer as well! Also I like its powerful radio frequency controlled remote. You can adjust its volume from most anywhere in the house.