McIntosh 402/B&W 803D Question

I just purchased a pair of B&W 803D speakers, and realize that my VTL MB 185 amps cannot drive the speakers adequately for rock music. I am now considering the McIntosh 402 amp as it has been recommended for these speakers. My question is, would my VTL 5.5 preamp match well with this amplifier? A few years ago I had a McCormack DNA 250 which had too much gain for the system (30db) and McIntosh does not provide the amplifier gain in their specifications. Thanks for your comments and opinions. I have listed some of the VTL 5.5 specifications:

Gain 20db

Output impedence 195 ohms

Input impedence 20K ohms
The 402 is a workhorse of an amp. It is very well designed and with the autoformer output stage, I can't imagine many speakers it wouldn't drive efficiently. I also think your 5.5 will mate well.
While I agree with others that the MC402 will not have a problem "driving" the 803D's, my question would be is it what you want. The 402 is soft in the bottom end, in my opinion, and the fact you want something for Rock music has me thinking you may prefer another avenue.

Nonetheless, if you contact McIntosh I suspect they will give you the specs you desire.
Dirk...the MC402 specs can be found here:

If the VTL 5.5's output impedance is 195 ohms and the input impedance of the MC402s is 10Kohms (single ended) and 20Kohms (balanced), then there should be no impedance mismatch between the units. You want at least 10X input impedance of power amp to output impedance of pre. In this case you get 50x+. So you should be ok. The specs do not specify gain but you should be able to get that by calling up McIntosh. I have no experience with the amp so don't know its sonic attributes but purely on paper from an impedance matching point of view, that combo should work.
Thanks everyone for your comments/opinions. I do like my current amplifiers, and would step up to the VTL MB 450s except that the current retail price is too rich for my budget at the moment. I've received several recommendatations regarding the 402, especially when combined with the 803Ds. My only concern is the excess gain that can be the result of a tube pre and a SS amp combination. I did leave a message at McIntosh for technical advise.
I must say I agree with Brianmgrarcom on this one. I've listened to McIntosh running B&Ws and the bottom end do get soft. I'd go with something from Krell, Gamut or even Accuphase.

Good luck!