The frontier between ''vintage'' and ''junk'' ?

Seems that the word ''vintage'' is used more often than need be.

Once person's vintage may be another's junk, and vice-versa.

Is there a stretching of the word in your opinion ? When can an audio component be classified as true vintage?

The majority of audio products made after about 1990 and all home theatre components should be considered "junk", and will never achieve "vintage" status, regardless of their age or condition.

Aiwa tape deck 25 years old, listed for MORE than it cost new. A common cassette deck, at 25 years old or more, I would definitely classify it as just plain old junk and not "vintage", nor classic. I pity the fool who would buy it. When did AudiogoN become an eBay clone?
The use of "vintage" is arbitraily applied to good stuff and bad. The question is, does old garbage qualify for recognition just because it survived? I agree with those that say old junk, is still junk, and probably worse for wear.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Vintage midfi is old. Vintage state of are are clasics. Trust your ears.