VTL 2.5 preamp not too shabby

I recently acquired a VTL 2.5 for $775 locally. Wow!!! I'm very impressed given money spent. Very musical and detailed. Has lots of features and inputs which I like. The Sonic Frontiers Power 2 I'm using can lean towards analytical depending on component match and setup.
However, so far with the VTL it seems a good match. Rest of system is QUAD 22L2s, Jolida JD 100 Underwood Lvl 1 cd player. Any other Agoner's with good experiences and suggestions on tubes? It currently has JJ Teslas. I was tempted to try Amperex or even Mullards for a slightly warmer presentation.
I decided to change the sound of my system. No issues with the 2.5 but, well, you know this hobby. It's one of the half dozen best I've owned. I'm replacing it with a Musical Fidelity A5cr. It should be here by the end of the week.

Do you know if yours is the v.1 or v.2? It won't say on the unit, you have to call VTL w/the SN to find out. And does yours have the phono stage?

Sorry, I don't know about diff. tubes, but you can call VTL & usually talk to Luke's wife I think, very smart & helpful.

After 5 years, I replaced mine with a Cary SLP-98 (at twice the cost). But I sure enjoyed the 2.5 TL while I had it.....
Which version is supposed to sound better... V.1 or V.2 ? I had a 2.5 with a nice metal remote and another 2.5 with a plastic remote. I liked the newer unit with the plastic remote better. It just sounded better all around. I finally sold the unit with the metal remote.
I had a TL-2.5 for a few years. I used Mullard or Brimar 12AT7's and Cifte and Brimar for the 12AU7's. Funny it really liked the cheap Chinese tube that came with it.

I moved to a Musical Fidelity 308cr full function pre amp last year. I can't afford the VTL's TL-6.5.