Plinius SA-50 MKIII vs SA-103

Is this an upgrade? Besides increased power what differences could be noted with a change from an SA-50 MKIII to a SA-103?
I currently have a SA-50 and I like it very much. The additional power would be a plus but not critical.

Speakers: Focal Micro Utopia BE.

Thank You
Plinius SA-103 is the best amp I have yet heard in my home system.
I have owned Hafler, Audio Research (tubes and solid state), Atma-Sphere, BAT, Pass (Class A and Class AB), Rowland, VAC (Phi 200 is amazing), Music Reference, and more.

The Plinius is a keeper. I have no idea whether the 102 and 103 are the same inside, but get the 103 and feel great!
Another option is trying to find (patiently) another SA-50 and using them as bridged/balanced monoblocks for a differential 200W each. That's what I did with SA-100's, along with XLR cables. Seems like more than the advertised 6dB gain increase.

Those speakers are 8 ohm nominal with 5 ohm minimum and wouldn't be tough for bridged amps.
thanks for all the input. I did consider getting another sa-50 for mono operation.