Herron VTSP-3A

Hey guys, I just got this preamp in my system and have only used it for 5 hours. However, I don't have to wait for burn in or more evaluation time to tell this compenent is absolutley outstanding. The VTSP-3A is the new version and it has over 50 changes from the VTSP-3. I got my system sounding really good before the arrival of the Herron, but the Herron has really brought my system to life. Heck, the VTSP-3A has had the most postive impact on about every aspect of sound in my system than any other electonic compenent I have ever bought. I feel like the Herron is letting me hear the potential of everything else in my system. I thought I would make this post since I'm not sure if a lot of people know about Herron. If someone is in the market for a top of the line preamp, they may want to at least consider this one. For the record, I have no affliation with the company, I'm just a VERY happy owner.
Luna and others: anyone has an opinion about the sound differences of VTSP-2 vs. Lamm LL2? It will be used with a McIntosh MC275.
I understand the differences in ergonomics and other features, but can't listen to both. I've talked to people who own the LL2 and the 275, but no one with the VTSP2 and 275.

Thanks for the info, Sfflzor, I really like my VTSP2 so much that I may be biased! I actually listened to the 3A once. The sound is very real and noticable more quiet. But the whole system was top-end stuff. I will be looking forward for more positive reviews on this product.
I just love this preamp, of course I have already praised it enough above. Herron can make such a great product like the VTSP-3A at their price point, which to me is a heck of a value, but how are their amps? I have read a little about them on the net, but not a whole lot from owners. Anyone with good experience on the Herron amps?
Great thread guys. I just want to weigh in on my brief experience with the VTPH-2. I bought it directly from Keith in December as I have no dealer anywhere nearby. I am happy to echo all comments already made on his outstanding customer service. I had mentioned to him that I had a cache of RCA 12AX7s and really wanted to try tube rolling. He was very tolerant of the idea, not trying to talk me out of it in the least. "Tolerant" would be the operative term, given the effort for which he is famously known for putting into his choice of tubes. I originally favored the version using 4X12AX7s (69dB gain) and in the course of our discussions, he inquired as to my preamp's input impedance. Learning that I had a relatively low 20K impedance, he gently implied that the 64dB gain version, using 2X12AX7s, would be a better match, though either would be fine and he was happy to provide whichever version I preferred. I told him that I wanted to hear his best effort, so took delivery on the 64dB version.

The VTPH-2 has totally transformed my audio experience, which is saying a lot for one who has been in this hobby for 40 years. There have been many incremental improvements (and a few mis-steps) over the years but I can't think of any that has been so significant. Vinyl has taken on a lifelike quality that at first was disorienting. The experience is so engaging that I find it hard to shut things down to turn in for the night. It has all been said above but for me the music is just so "right". Like violin above, I spent many years playing the violin in orchestras and chamber groups so have a very firm aural impression of how acoustic instruments sound. Keith simply gets it down completely. If I could single out one attribute, it might be in the area of bass. In a system with which I was already quite happy, I frequently find myself looking up at the speakers dumbfounded at how solid and tuneful a bass line is that had always previously been a nondescript part of the musical fabric. It is never overbearing or out of proportion, it's just right and often it makes more sense to the musical line as a whole. I can't justify changing preamps right now, but I am giving it serious thought for the future. BTW, I have rolled in some vintage tubes and do think that the sound is marginally sweeter. It doesn't seem to be a large enough difference to recommend going out and acquiring NOS tubes, but it seems to be a nice diversion for one who already has the tubes at hand.