What pre amp to use in my system?

I have a B&W CDM 9NT and a Rotel 1080 power amp. I am looking for a preamp. I tried a Adcom GFP-710, it is quite good, alot of dynamics, tight bass, but I feel it is a bit too bright and got fatigue sometimes. I like to listen to female vocal, violin, cello, soft jazz. I am looking for a preamp that will produce smooth, warm sound with good dynamics and sound stage. I don't need alot of bass that I don't listen to rock. My budget is less $400. What would you recommend? I am open to both tube and SS. There is a local guy who build and sell tube preamp. If you were me, will you buy home built tube preamp?
Why are you targeting the pre as a means of solving fatigue? Maybe is the speaker/amp combo...FWIW I had a 1080 with the older B&W CM4 and they worked fine. Upgraded to the 804S and got fatigue. Replaced the 1080 with McIntosh MC275 (tubes) and it is magical. BTW, I still have my Rotel RC1070 pre, which is the next to go in the upgrade list.

The amp/speaker combo is arguable the most critical link in the chain (without wanting to start here the old argument about whether source or speaker/amp is more important!). If you are comfortable with what you have there, then looking for a pre is fine. Otherwise you might be better off saving for a while longer.

My 2 cents.
Unless your local guy is incredible, I would agree with the advice to wait and save. I have a Rotel 1095 that I think is a little harsh sometimes, but great on the stuff you like. I was advised to make my next move a tube preamp, but the advice was to go big and make it a Mac.
Well, about why I think I should get a preamp, it is quite a long process as everyone has gone through. I originally has a Rotel 1055 receiver with my CDM 9 NT. Then, I change it to a Denon 988 to take advantage of the 7.1 and the DTS-HD master for Blu-ray. Then I found out the sound for music is not as good as my Rotel receiver before. Since I thought the amp and the speaker are the most important component, I got the Rotel RB 1080 and use the Denon as the processor/preamp. Base on my research, it is not a bright amp. However, I am still not satisfied with the result. Therefore I decided to try adding a preamp. And to my surprise, the effect is much more significant than changing the amp. At this point, I believe changing the preamp will give me the biggest effect. And I would like to keep the speaker and the amp. So .. if I wait and save, what are the suggestions?

OK, fair enough.

Have you tried Rotel RC1070? It was $400 new back 5-6 years ago, and I still have it. It's a good match with the RB1080.

If it were me I would probably try and save more and buy a used unit from A'gon. Maybe a Rowland Capri? Sorry can't help much in that price range. McIntosh, Classe, Rowland, Mark Levinson, Conrad Johnson are generally regarded as good matches with B&W. Willing to have tubes?

BTW, if you decide to buy older stuff make sure to have it recaped.
