What pre amp to use in my system?

I have a B&W CDM 9NT and a Rotel 1080 power amp. I am looking for a preamp. I tried a Adcom GFP-710, it is quite good, alot of dynamics, tight bass, but I feel it is a bit too bright and got fatigue sometimes. I like to listen to female vocal, violin, cello, soft jazz. I am looking for a preamp that will produce smooth, warm sound with good dynamics and sound stage. I don't need alot of bass that I don't listen to rock. My budget is less $400. What would you recommend? I am open to both tube and SS. There is a local guy who build and sell tube preamp. If you were me, will you buy home built tube preamp?
Thanks for the reply. Yes, I agree with you about the resale value, since it is home built, it is impossible to find any reviews, and this is also one of the reason holding me back. I can go to do an audition, but it would be in his system, and it doesn't guarantee how it sound in my system. It seems a saver bet is to get a SS preamp like Rotel or NAD.

But you also think the RC 1070 + RB 1080 + CM 4 sounds a bit harsh, I think I will hold back for the Rotel since this is exactly the reason I sold my Adcom, and the Rotel is more expensive, so, it seems a bigger risk to take.
FWIW, I meant RC1070 + RB1080 + 804S sounded harsh. With the CM4 the 1070+1080 sounded good to me.
So maybe try an NAD preamp. C-16"X" series from the last 10 years or older. $400 budget is fairly limiting. Or perhaps an old Carver, Hafler or Phaselinear preamp - but not really sure any of these are a step up from the Adcom or Rotel, just different.
Gte,if you can up your budget to $600 there is a Quicksilver preamp available. Had one in my system and enjoyed. Also good reputation.

The 400.00 price for tubes is tough;the MFA Magus would do what you are looking but is over your limit;maybe a offer a little over your limit would fly maybe not.