If money were no object, what would be in your rig

Many of us have admired great systems on Audiogon like Albert Porters and some of us prefer a more simpler system. If you could change any component(s) what would it be and why? Or are you satisfied with what you have?
Platinum Signature teleportation tweak...

...worked for Capt'n Kirk ;-)

"Beam me up Scotty, there's no intelligent life down here"
Money no object: Create a Hi-Fidelity Hall of Fame open to the public complete with working demonstrations. Have a wine cellar of NOS/NIB vacuum tubes. Travel around the country to buy veterans in the audio industry a information gathering five star class meal at the fanciest restaurant in town. Give away (includes all shipping costs)all my gear to my friends. Armmed with this information: rebuild my system accordingly.
just as a side-bar to this question- WHAT IF the only BIG Improvements you could get over what you have on (let us say) redbook cd's- which i have the most of to begin with, is a LOUDER system, with more watts, more spl's, and so on? I.E.-
i don't think i've heard a signifcant qualitative improvement over the system
i heard at a stereophile show Many years ago featuring sonus faber extrema speakers and an SME-30 turntable playing AC Jobim records. the rest of the system was good but nothing extravagant- a copeland preamp, an audio research cdp and solid state stereo amplifier, un-remarkable wires, and way-less than optimal room acoustics.
the MBL room was very nice too with surround-sound, but that was about it.
i more recently heard the Wilson Alexandria's (series-1) and they imaged great and sounded really transparent at a hefty volume level, but i didn't find them any more enjoyable or musically satisfying.
OF COURSE all of this is limited to my perceptions and what components i've had at home (eggleston andras and now von schweikert vr-9's- more detailed, more bass) but AGAIN not more musical than the andra's).
i have an emm lab cdsa cdp in the living room which is darn good, but in another room i am still listening to a Mark Levinson 390s CDP which ALSO sounds very organic, very satisfying, over a (little) pair of sonus faber guarneri homage speakers. SO, anybody out there with similar "Ear-Genes" to mine may want to re-assess dumping their mark levinson digital gear or their egglestons, sonus fabers, Rowland preamps, etc. not only were these components very good in their day, but i think that perhaps until one of them breaks down, there's more than likely only subtle improvements to be had (at the volume levels you're already happy listening to).
of course i would STILL like to hear some Wilson Sasha's, or Rockport ANTARES, and/or a Soulution preamp/amp combination. AND ALSO (of course)
HI-RESOLUTION sound files of Mozart Piano Concertos.
as a certified gearaholic, i like to keep an open mind...
Even if I had unlimited funds, money would still be an object. The few people I know in that situation think that way. It could be why they have unlimited funds.

But if it were me, I'd build a recording studio with an audiophile sensibility dedicated to recording musicians playing real instruments in real space.
I would buy a full subscription to the Boston Symphony Orchestra, and maybe upgrade my cables!