Preamp for Magnepan

I'm planning on getting Magnepan 1.7s.
I have a strong, clean power amp to drive them, but I need advice on a preamp please.
1. Make and model recommendations
2. tube vs. solid state and why

thanks, Steve
They where hardly ever mated with the AR amps. Bryston 95% of the time I went in there.
tubed preamp: i like the spaciousness + quiet + phonostage of my mfa magus a-2. (it's for sale but if unsold i'll continue using it in my main setup another 20 years. i don't feel compelled to buy anything new, just testing the waters. it replaced a noisy c-j i had had 11 years.
04-27-10: No_money
They where hardly ever mated with the AR amps. Bryston 95% of the time I went in there.

"Hardly ever"? - I think you can go back to the 1970s (and through every other decade) and find ARC electronics (not only preamps but also amps) and Maggies used together extensively.
That has always been my experience when doing the show circuit.Magnepan/Bryston/Audio Research.
They where hardly ever mated with the AR amps. Bryston 95% of the time I went in there.

HiFi, note the last bit "95% of the time I went in there" meaning my local dealer.. not the world.