ARC Reference Anniversary preamp in 2011

Audio Research Reference Anniversary

Available for one year only.
I remember what a ground breaking preamp the SP-10 was compared to the then current SP-6b,6c,6e and SP-8. There was really no comparison. The SP-10 just did everything spectacularly better. So I would assume the anniversary addition will do the same to the REF 3 and REF 5. If I only had the cash, I'd purchase one in a second!
I heard one for a few hours one afternoon. It was glorious.
(and much better in all ways than the Ref)
When will arc get it right, even $10k is too much for a volume control when they released ref3, so now comes the 40th reference. That should come with a guarantee that nothing will surpass the performnce. Didn't roswelhl produce a good design.
Well---for those who are thinking of upgrading from a ref 110 to a ref 210 or a 610 to get more power and a more substantive midrange without losing holographics that ARC is famous for--JUMP NOW. Th Ref 40 does it all in spades. In the first hour of a 600 hour break in period, I am floored. As one who has had a ref 5 with a ref 110 and 210s in my system ( Sashas as speakers), the improvement in overall sound going from 110 to 210s was IMHO about 10% to 15%. But with Ref 40 and 110s is about 25% or 30% just out of the box. Trust all the great things you hear about the Ref 40. It's all true.
This is by Jonathan Valin of The Absolute Sound.