Shindo Monbrison balance issue?


anyone experienced this with their Monbrison (or other Shindo preamps)?

When playing at low volume, the sound is biased towards one side but once the volume is turned up, the level seems to balance itself...... i discovered this when I was burning in my set at low volume and when vocals are played - the voice will "shift" from one side to center as the volume is increased!

I have swapped the interconnects (left -right) going into and then out of the Monbrison to check if source or power amp could be the problem but the results seem to confirm that it is the Monbrison.

Another issue that I encountered accidentally was when playing cd and switching the input selector to other inputs, I can hear the music albeit at very low levels throught the speakers!! is this normal?

aside from these two worrying discoveries, the Monbrison sounds great!

thanking you in advance for your feedback.

best regards
Is there a preferred method if you have the option of adjusting both the source (dac) output and the power amp output? i read somewhere that the power amp output should be close to its max to get the best out of the power amp.....
thanks again for your feedback.
best regards
"i read somewhere that the power amp output should be close to its max to get the best out of the power amp....."

This is the method suggested to me by my Shindo dealer.
I have Shindo amps, and the Monbrison. The only imbalance
I experienced is due to an opening from my listening room
in to my dining room. This has been an issue long before the Monbrison, but some room adjustments/treatments have basically solved this issue. I run both my Corton monos wide open on their V. controls. If I still had my room issue, perhaps I would slightly lower one channel to correct it. I run the Monbrison between 9:00-10:00 for
most all listening. Hope this helps.
I recently bought a Vosne-Romanee whitch had the same balance problem so bad that I called my dealer and he is replacing the Pot for me. This problem did not exist in the Masseto. My question is why can't the pre amp design take into consideration this issue and set the gain where this would not be a problem at all. I would think that having a volume control on the amp is just one more device in the signal path that you don't want. I'm sure the shindo amps sound great but wouldn't they be better without the volume pot? Don't get me wrong I love my preamp but I like listening at low levels too.
The potentiometers Shindo uses are most likely one puzzle piece which contribute to the "Shindo sound". Also the well known ALPS Pots can have some imbalance in their lower range, one more one less...+/- 10 or 20 % tolerance are not untypical for an carbon pot.

Another pot in signal path is a rather academic "problem" resulting from the audiophiles paranoia that there is "more" in the signal path. Having a pot on the power amp is one part of the Shindo product philosophy, thats why an amp with input controls would is strongly recommended and thats why an channel imbalance in the lower volume region of the preamp pot is not a problem.

best regards

I guess you could be right on the Shindo sound being the sum of it's parts, I sure can't complain about the sound.