Mac C220 vs. Cary Audio SLP 98P

I am thinking of selling my Mac C220 to purchase a Cary Audio SLP 98P. I have read and heard nothing but good things about the Cary and what a difference the addition of it has made in some systems. I must stay in the $4000.00 range and wonder if anyone has had the opportunity to hear these wonderful tube preamps, side by side? I have nothing bad to say about my Mac, I am just another obsessive compulsive hi-fi wacko and an looking for a change after about 4 years. Any observations will be welcome.
I had a C2200 before I bought the Cary SLP98p F-1 version, and I have never been sorry that I switched. I liked the Mac quite a bit, and in some ways it's easier to use, but I like the sound of the Cary more. It is definitely more "tube"-like. Warmer, fuller, not better actually, just different. If you are looking for more warmth in your system, I wholeheartedly recommend it.
Thank you Mac and thats exactly what I am looking for. I am coupled with a Mac Mc275 and love Mac also, but you have substantiated what I have heard about the Cary. My reluctance was with the Cary not having any tone control, like the 220'w bass and treble controls, but I can learn to live with that also, if he sound of the Cary is what i have heard it is.
This is of interest to me as well. I have a C220 and just bought a Rocket 88R F1. The C220 has a lot of bang for the buck, but I am so impressed with the Cary that I'm seriously considering one of their preamps. I wonder how the phone stages would compare?