Basic Preamp - suggestions?

I need a basic preamp. I'd like to buy used and would like to spend under $200. Just looking for some suggestions that I can keep an eye out for. Thanks for the help.
My friend has B&K gear. The preamp is a CS-117 model wih built in phono section; not sure on the amp model. He runs Paradigm Monitor 9s and has a Pro-ject Debut III table. He acquired the B&K preamp for around $170 used. For money spent it the best system I've heard.
So, check out B&K gear. I prefer tube gear but must admit the B&K gear sounds much more musical than my older NAD or Aragon gear. A great bang for the buck.
prior to that had had a small preamp - Superphon I think.
That also sounded darn nice for the money.
Good luck
Your not going to want to hear this, but for about $125 you can get a used Chase RLC-1 remote controller. This unit is a basic line controller, e. g. pre amp but has a remote that does all the controls. The remote controls line source selection, balance, tremble, bass and volume. It produces 'clean' sound equal to a $5K unit that I have. Check e-bay. The unit comes up often. Well worth a try, if you don't need a phono in a unit. .
Thanks for the suggestions. I was a total dufus and forgot to list that I have a phono preamp, a NAD PP-2. Not sure if that would change any suggestions.

It certainly doesn't need to be used gear, new is fine, but I'm not sure I can get a decent piece for under $200 by buying new.

That Maverick Audio pre looks interesting. I'll be checking out preamps all day it looks like.

Thanks again.
Lots of good suggestions here. Looks like you got some homework to do. FWIW, there's a little discussion re: Maverick over @ Audio Circle. Good luck.