Here comes the Dude. What to expect?

I have my new Dude preamp in the Post and coming my way this week. It is my last component buy.

It has been told to me that the Dude had bigger balls than the AR Ref 3/5. Can the Dude keep up and run by some of the better preamps out there? If so what?

Hopefully there are some new Dude owners out there that can pipe in.
hey man ....many of us take comfort in knowing 'the dude' is out there somewhere...
OK here is a little more on the I can't write this. This is my fifth time trying to write something about this stuff but I can't. How do I find the right words??? I know I can't and won't.

It's everything I ever wanted from music and sound but nothing I could've imagined possible.....and even now, how do I explain the sound when the sound is still improving after all this time when I'm well over 1K hrs. It's smooth, creamy smooth but not's creamy smooth with dynamics that will give you a heart's very detailed but I'm not talking about the detail when you all of a sudden hear an instrument that wasn't there before, you get all that too, it's the kind of detail where you hear or feel, for example, vibrations of an acoustic guitar's sound box if you will. I should know, I played a classical guitar for years and I know that feeling and it's there. Same goes for piano, cello, electric guitar you name it. it's all the intimate details of instruments, pure awesomeness......It's the Dude..........what a perfect name.

I’m bad at this so I better stop here and go back to listening to music. Give it a lot of time, looks like mine isn't done yet.
Can one of the owners of the dude tell me what brand of caps are used within
