Moscode 401HR vs Pass Labs X150.5

So...for those that followed my previous thread, I am still in the hunt for the best amp under $2500 (after auditioning and returning a set of mono amps). I really have not been able to find much on the differences between these two amps sonically. I know the Pass has better resale value, but that's not my primary concern, although it is a concern for sure. The Moscode is rated at 200w into 8ohms (300 into 4ohms), the Pass at 150w (also 300w into 4 ohms I believe). I also know that Moscode improved upon the 401HR with the 402AU. Anyway, my tastes are bluesy rock, female vocalists and jazz. My system is as follows

AIFF lossless => Peachtree Nova USB DAC/Preamp => ??AMP?? => Dynaudio Contour S3.4 spkrs (4ohm load, 88db)

If anybody out there can offer comments as to how these two amps compare (or don't!) I would appreciate it. Thanks
Fredorama, it's good to know you've made some inexpensive adjustments with big gains.

Grounding issues (hum/buzz) are a PITA. One would think that for the cost of the gear we own, manufacturers would employ grounding schemes that work interchangeably, but such is not the case. Grounding schemes among manufacturers is not consistent, and this contributes to ground loop problems.

Some of my gear has been absolutely quiet, and other gear has been noisy regardless of how many hoops I've jumped through.

I recall that I used a cheater plug on my Moscode 401HR, which knocked out all the noise.

Of course, you realize that using a cheater plug is not recommended as a long term solution. However, when there's no buzz, and you've spent hours and dollars trying to eliminate the buzz the proper way and it still persists, then the risks of using an effective cheater plug sometimes seem worthwhile.
You got that right Grant! Finally a hum-less, buzz-less system that I can live with. I'll take it. Thanks
I do not understand how you can buy these amps in under $2500, but I am guessing you would be going the used route. In that case try to find a Symphonic Line RG1 MK4, it will probably end your search for a power amp for a long time to come (till you have the funds for a higher end Symphonic Line).
BTW, the RG1 is stable at 1 ohm.
Thanks Pani. I was considering a Plinius SA-102 for a while. Apparently, based on your thread, you were too. I see you settled on the Symphonic, which I am now reading about. You have piqued my interest. Thanks!
I have owned the 402au and the 402au and 401hr.
Resale value of 401hr-close to what I paid for it w/o advertising.
Heat and reliability- no problems. The 402au arrived with one channel dead. A wire had come loose in transit. A call to George and I was told to reconnect the wire. I plugged it in and no problems since.
Yes the 401hr ran hot. the 402au solved that problem. I don't know how. I don't suspect the heat is a problem in the 401hr. The heat is generated by the mosfets that are mounted directly on the heat sinks outside the other components.
Circuit layout-Always a judgement call. I like the fact that my amp sits neatly in my cabinet. See speedfreak on virtual systems. The trend is to minimize the footprint
My speaker is the ML CLS. A much more challenging load than your speaker. No problems.
Like TVAD I can't ell you which way to go. Obviously you know what my choice would be. If you like solid state PASS is one of the best. A little too smooth for my taste. The Moscode just sounds more like music to me.