Wyred 4 Sound STP Special Edition Vs. Pass X-1

Does anyone know how these two stack up against each other? The pros and cons. How does the quality of bass, midrange, trebil, soundstage etc. compare?
Thanks for your input!
I decided not to sell it. At first, I missed the bloom from the C220. After a couple of days, there was no turning back. I really like the X1. To me it is much more resolving than any tube preamps I have owned. I like the tubes better in the amp. After the X1 warmed up I was really happy and do not plan to sell anytime soon. The first day I posted it, a guy wanted it right away and offered me what I was asking. A dealer told me he would also give me what I paid for it, no questions. It got me thinking and now I know why.
I'll be getting my X1 back from Pass Labs tomorrow. Like you I had considered replacing it, but after I spoke with Wayne and Kent at Pass it seemed like a general checkout and refurbishment might be a cheap way to get it back to its peak condition. Kent said that in fact it was not performing up to factory specifications because of some parts aging, which have now all been replaced. He said "you should be surprised with the result". One more day.