Antique Sound Lab Hurricane: powerful substitutes?

Hello, I have a Duntech Sovereign biamped woth a pair of ASL Hurricane for highs (100W in triode mode). I like very much the sound of the Hurricanes, but i think that the Sovereign would need more power for highs. So I'm looking for a pair of tube monos with more power and for a budget of 4000 $.
I have read good reviews for the VTL MB 450 signature. There is someone that have compared this VTL with the Hurricanes? What other tube monoblocks I should consider?

Carlesdg I would email Ralph directly for a response to your questions;Atmasphere is his audiogon username.
Hi Rleff, yesterday I send a mail to Ralph and today I have a detailed answer to my questions around this Ma.1.5 He confirmed to me that this monos have only 60W... I think that this is not enough power.

Near here I found a pair of Cello Encore monos (150W). I know that this is a very different option, but some friends are telling me that can be excellent substitutes for my Hurricanes. What to you think about this amps? (I have a Thor Ta-2000 preamp).
I met Ralph when I lived in Mpls,Mn after his first amps were coming out;I think his amps are one of the best in the world if your speakers are able to be driven by a OTL amplifier;having said that when I heard his amps they
were driving a soundlab speaker and the sound was first rate;controlled bass, midrange a tube lover dies for, and the highs were very exteneded; just fantastic.If your speakers are not OTL compatable Ralph suggests Paul Speltz's autoformer to increase the speaker impedance and make it a better load for the amp(s).
I think if there is any questions on that situation it is best to converse directly with Ralph;he will always give you a straight answer and not jam his gear down your throat to make a sale.
Magnumpi, the Mesa Baron looks nice but here in Spain where I'm, is a non available option.

I have see a pair of Melos 402 gold for sale (400W in triode). Some time ago I owned a Melos 333 Reference preamp and I have a good remember of this brand... This amps are really as good as some comments tell? And reliables?