Does this degrade sound?

I have an Adcom GFP 750 preamp and when I turn the balance all the way to one side there is still music coming out of the the other speaker. Same when I turn the balance other way. There is no complete silence of channel. It sounds good to me when I play it but would it sound better if the balance worked 100% instead of 80%? Thanks Mike
This is simply circut bleed through. Very common. And yes it would be great if the opposite channel were completely silent but then that would cost more. I don't know that it degrades the sound, you simply have a small amount of the other channel coming through.
It sounds good to me when I play it

That's all that really matters in the long run.
The design of a balance control is to allow channel balance. i am certain the control is designed to only partially offset the channel balance. It was designed by Nelson Pass, and I would tend to trust he knew what he was doing with the design of the balance control.
The comment that it is "bleed through" is just not correct. "bleedthrough" would indicate a poor channel separation, and the Adcom has excellent channel separtion.
I just sold my Adcom and have to say it was a really nice preamp. (I like my Bryston BP-26 better, but at THREE TIMES the price of the Adcom, it should be better.)