Will it work? Copland preamp and Moon I-5 Int Amp

I was thinking of adding a Copland preamplifier to drive my integrated amplifier, will it work and will it give me what I want?

My system consists of a SimAudio Moon I-5 integrated amplifier driving Totem Hawks. My source is SimAudio's Moon Equinox CD player.

My last upgrade to my system was to get some excellent interconnects. Now the CD player sounds as if the output jacks were connected directly to the amplifier input jacks, as if there were no interconnects at all! In other words there is no colouration of the sound, no filtering, no delays or smearing to interfere with timing or percussive elements. Needless to say I have been enjoying this system for some time......however.....

Both the Hawks and the I-5 have a reasonable reputation for having a wide and deep sound stage. (Sure, maybe neither is the best in this area but they aren't all that bad either.) Lately I have been wondering if I could do better with my system. I have heard excellent reports about the Copland preamps. One of their strengths that is often sited is the holographic imaging. I was thinking about picking up a used Copland 301 or 305 and using it for my preamp; driving the HT bypass inputs of the Moon I-5. (I presume this would by-pass the preamp section of the I-5.)

Do you think this would be a good choice for my next upgrade? Do you think that this would improve the overall sound of my system? Or is there a better place to look for improvement?
Jeff, Sfar,

Thanks for the input. To summarize your opinions are that the I-5 pre-amp section will sound very similar to using the Copeland pre-amp in its place, correct? Or in other words the I-5 pre-amp stage is just as good as the Copeland.

Sfar, do you have any other speaker suggestions for better imaging?

What about the Moon Equinox, without spending a lot, is there another CD player that would give me better imaging / sound stage but would otherwise equal or better the sound of the Moon Equinox?


Rova - I wasn't making the case that the preamp section of the I-5 is just as good as the Copeland, I don't have any experience with the Copeland so I wouldn't be comfortable comparing the two. I was saying only that I've found the I-5 could function as a very, very good preamp and shouldn't be dismissed as a way to experiment with your system.

As far as imaging, the best speakers I've owned are several ProAc models and my current favorites, the Devore 8's.
same here ... never heard a Copland pre BUT the I5 I did own and I found it very competent as an integrated amp or preamp (never used it as a power amp) ... my opinion is if it is imaging you are after, a speaker change will get you closer than a preamp added to your system

good luck!
